Hieman japanilaistunnelmissa näin heti aamusta eli "Those Nights".
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1 kommentti:
Oh, this is lovely!! beautiful colour!!!
Thanks for your kind comment at my blog. I first made a 9'er that I cut in the wrong way and destroyed the cards in the mid section, so be very careful when cutting the finished piece into atc's :)
I first made the background with acrylic paint, stamps and stuff, look for a link to the tutorial under Tags in my sidebar. To know where to place my images I made a transparency with the atc grid in black. I then chose the subject for my collage. and printed out images in the colours I wanted and started arrainging them on my measured 7,5 x 10,5 inch background paper using the grid. Whenever happy with the position I glue down the image and try not to leave any disturbing edges, I used the eggs trying to make some kind of flow in my piece. I also printed out a map which I tore into pieces and arranged with the images on my background.
When I was happy with the result, I carefully :) cut it into atc's and used a black paint dabber around the edges.
I originally thought to put words on them but I changed my mind, cause I love the images and didn't want to mess it up yet :)
Hope you found this helpful, I loved making these, so have a good time making yours!! Please let me know when you're done, I'd love to see your piece!!
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